What should you if you are getting harassment by a men


This blog is dedicated to pontharini and more women and girls getting harassment

*the first thing you have to do is to complaint to the helpline number

helpline number:1091

and then they will say what you have to do

*there is nothing to worry this is a secret women's helpline.

* be bold cause you could put case if without your permission a men

• Unwanted touching, hugging, or kissing. 

• Staring, leering, whistling, winking

. • Sexually offensive gestures such as deliberate brushing or stroking private parts, smacking lips, elevator eyes, pinching.

 • Sexually suggestive, intrusive, explicit, and lewd comments, questions, words, songs, or sexual remarks on women’s body, clothes, anatomy, sexuality.

 • Indecent exposure/flashing of private parts, masturbating in public causing annoyance or harassment to women.

 • Invading personal space and privacy through actions such as cornering, peeping, breathing down one’s neck.

 • Exposing deliberately/forcibly to sexually explicit internet sites, pornographic films, photographs, text, graffiti, jokes, or/ and cartoons. 

• Sexually explicit telephone calls, emails, SMS, MMS, letters, cards, posters, gifts. 

• Unwanted invites for ‘dates’, inducing or seducing women to have sex or soliciting for sexual favors.

 • Stalking (spying, attempting to contact physically or electronically in spite of disinterest).

• Disrobing or compelling a woman to be naked.

 • Voyeurism (Watching, capturing and/or circulating pictures and/or film of a woman engaged in the private act) 

• Insulting the dignity of women through any kind of action, utterances, comments, songs, etc. (The following crimes against women have been specially added to Criminal (Amendment) Law, 2013) Remember: Sexual harassment is not sexual interaction, flirtation, attraction or friendship. It is not mutual, consensual, reciprocated, and welcome. It hurts, it disturbs and it degrades. 

Sexual harassment is a crime against women and girls.


Criminal Law (Amendment) Law 2013 penalizes and punishes the perpetrators of sexual harassment under the following sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC):

 A) Sexual harassment - 

1. physical contact and advances involving unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures

 2. demand or request for sexual favors 

3. showing pornography against the will of a woman

 4. making sexually colored remarks Punishment: imprisonment which may extend to three years or with fine or both.

 1. does any obscene act in any public place,  or 2. sings, recites or utters any obscene song, ballad or words in or near any public place, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine, or with both.

• Section 294: Obscene acts and songs—whoever, to the annoyance of others:

 • Section 354: Any man commits to assault or use of criminal force to a woman with intent to outrage her modesty or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby outrage her modesty, shall be punished with imprisonment or fined, or both.

B) Using assault or criminal force on a woman with intent to disrobe her. Punishment: imprisonment for not less than three years which may extend up to seven years and fine

C) Voyeurism (Any man watching or capturing the image of a woman engaging in a private act. Punishment: (On first conviction) Imprisonment for not less than one year which may extend to three years and fine. (repeated offenders) Imprisonment not less than three years, this may extend to seven years and fine.

D) Stalking (Any man following a woman and attempting to contact, or foster personal interaction despite a clear indication of disinterest by her or monitors the use by a woman of the internet, email, or any other form of electronic communication) Punishment: Imprisonment which may extend up to three years. (repeated offenders) imprisonment may extend to five years and fine. 

• Section 509: uttering any word or making any gesture intended to insult the modesty of a woman Punishment: imprisonment for three years and fine

The Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 “No woman shall be subjected to harassment at any workplace, whether public or private, whether the aggrieved woman is employed there or not.

“ Defines sexual harassment as per (S. 3 (2) of the Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013

 1. Implied or explicit a. promise of preferential treatment in employment; b. the threat of preferential treatment in employment; c. threat about her present or future employment status

 2. Interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment for her; 

3. Humiliating treatment is likely to affect her health or safety. 

Workplace defined as per S. 2(o) of this Act:

 1. A Government department/institution;

 2. A private sector organization/institution; 

3. Hospitals/Nursing homes; 

4. Sports complexes;

 5. Places visited by a team member during the course of the employment including transportation provided by the employer

if you are getting harassed in school

helpline number for Tamilnadu school students only Tamilnadu:


the first complaint about the teacher to the principal

and parents about what happened and ask them to put the case on the school

as your sister 

